Our Story
2009 - Epiphany
Founder and Executive Director Bill Farrar, an aeronautic professional and engineer, worked for a water purification manufacturer. In 2009, after streamlining the purification system, Bill had an epiphany.
He knew he had to do more than manufacture the system; he had to take it to the people who needed it most. The horrific earthquake that shook Haiti on January 12, 2010, exploded into a desperate plea for safe water, and Bill sprang into action and has not stopped since.
Fountains of Hope brought multiple purification systems and hygiene training to the ailing Haitians, but several months later, the cholera outbreak underlined the need for even more purification systems.
Contaminated water is the leading cause of cholera, sickening 530,000 Haitians since late 2010 and killing more than 7,000. Fountains of Hope has installed over 100 purifiers in Haiti, bringing safe water to more than 50,000 individuals.
Bill was married to his beautiful wife, Kathy, in October 2018 while on a mission trip to Zimbabwe. Kathy is training teachers to provide better education to the children in locations where FoH works.
Since 2009, Fountains of Hope has installed over 265 FoH Water Purifier Systems in 19 countries.