Pray with Us
Please pray for our upcoming Walk for Water Events
Here at FoH we truly believe that prayer is what fuels our life saving projects.  The power of prayer is amazing and we would love for you to pray for our mission.
Pray for the protection of our teams as we travel to our many countries providing the gift of safe water to the poor and the marginalized.
Pray that our team members can be the hands of Christ as we reach into the hearts of those in need.
Prayerfully consider joining us on a mission trip!  We welcome you to come alongside FoH and help bring the gift of a FoH water purifier to a community in need.
We need your help to expand the work of FoH. Prayerfully consider joining our financial support team.  Donations of all sizes are welcome and appreciated. Every drop counts.
Never underestimate the power of PRAYER!